A podcast about photography and the Apple ecosystem.
We found 10 episodes of PhotoActive with the tag “photography”.
Episode 178: Photographing the LA Fires
January 24th, 2025 | 28 mins 19 secs
apple, cameras, fire, iphone, jeff carlson, kirk mcelhearn, lenses, photo editing, photo organization, photography, podcast, wildfire
The recent devastating fires in Los Angeles have created a lot of fire photography, and some of it compelling both for its content and its artistry. We talk about the challenges of photographing such extreme situations.
Episode 177: AI in Photography in 2025
January 10th, 2025 | 35 mins 11 secs
ai, apple, cameras, generative ai, iphone, jeff carlson, kirk mcelhearn, lenses, photo editing, photo organization, photography, podcast
We’ve been looking at various AI-related photography topics in recent episodes, such as using the Clean Up feature in the Photos app to remove unwanted items or the bigger question of “What is a photo?” Now it’s time to look broadly at what AI can offer photographers and where we think it’s going.
Episode 176: Cleaning Up Libraries
December 13th, 2024 | 27 mins 19 secs
apple, cameras, iphone, jeff carlson, kirk mcelhearn, lenses, photo editing, photo organization, photography, podcast
As we wrap up 2024, we’re realizing our photo libraries have grown quite a bit—in Jeff’s case, almost filling his cloud storage. So as we anticipate some holiday downtime, we’re turning our attention to strategies for cleaning up our photo libraries.
Note that we’re taking the next episode off to celebrate Christmas, so our next scheduled episode is January 10, 2025. Happy holidays!
Episode 175: What Is a Photo?
December 1st, 2024 | 34 mins 54 secs
apple, cameras, iphone, jeff carlson, kirk mcelhearn, lenses, photo editing, photo organization, photography, podcast
Our recent discussions of AI and the Photos Clean Up tool have brought us full circle to the bigger question: What is a photo?
Episode 174: Photos Clean Up
November 18th, 2024 | 32 mins 5 secs
apple, apple intelligence, cameras, clean up, generative ai, iphone, jeff carlson, kirk mcelhearn, lenses, photo editing, photo organization, photography, podcast
Aimless pedestrians wandering in the background of your photo? Trash on the ground in the foreground? Apple can help. In this episode we're looking at Clean Up, the new Apple Intelligence tool in the Photos app that uses generative AI to remove areas of a photo.
Episode 173: iPhone Photo File Formats
November 4th, 2024 | 38 mins 28 secs
apple, cameras, heic, heif, iphone, jeff carlson, jpeg-xl, kirk mcelhearn, lenses, photo editing, photo organization, photography, podcast, proraw
In our quest to better understand the often-confusing changes and additions to the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro photo situation, we’ve decided to tackle the photo file formats. HEIF, ProRAW, JPEG-XL... there are a lot of options to choose from.
Episode 172: Photographic Styles on the iPhone 16
October 18th, 2024 | 35 mins 14 secs
apple, cameras, iphone, iphone 16, iphone 16 pro, jeff carlson, kirk mcelhearn, lenses, photo editing, photo organization, photographic styles, photography, podcast
The iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro introduce a new twist on an existing feature, and the result is... confusion and complexity. Photographic Styles can be very powerful, but it really requires you to dig into the details.
Episode 171: iPhone 16 Pro Hands-On
October 4th, 2024 | 35 mins 52 secs
apple, cameras, iphone, iphone 16 pro, jeff carlson, kirk mcelhearn, lenses, photo editing, photo organization, photography, podcast
Now that Kirk and Jeff have received their iPhone 16 Pros, it’s time to take them into the world and see how the new photographic features work. Is the Camera Control all it’s cracked up to be? Does a 48 megapixel ultra-wide camera make much difference? We talk about our first hands-on experiences with Apple’s new pocket cameras—sorry, mobile phones. Oh, and what about all this Apple Intelligence stuff?
Episode 170: iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro
September 13th, 2024 | 44 mins 5 secs
apple, cameras, iphone, iphone 16, iphone 16 pro, jeff carlson, kirk mcelhearn, lenses, photo editing, photo organization, photography, podcast
It’s that time again: new iPhones! By which we mean, of course, new Apple Cameras That Also Do Other Stuff. Kirk and Jeff are both upgrading their phones this year, largely due to the new Camera Control button but also the 48 MP (megapixel) ultra-wide camera and the new 48 MP Fusion camera that reads data fast enough to remove the shutter lag when shooting raw images. There’s a lot to discuss in this bonus-length episode!
Episode 169: Peakto 2.0 with Matthieu Kopp
August 16th, 2024 | 38 mins 20 secs
apple, cameras, cyme, iphone, jeff carlson, kirk mcelhearn, lenses, peakto, photo editing, photo organization, photography, podcast
Is your photo library spread out among different drives and apps? We’re not talking about maybe having a couple of Lightroom Classic catalogs—it’s not uncommon now for a photographer to have Lightroom libraries, Capture One libraries, Apple Photos libraries, even old iPhoto and Aperture libraries collected over the years. In this episode we welcome back Matthieu Kopp of CYME to talk about version 2.0 of the utility Peakto, which can bring sense to all of that accumulated chaos. As a bonus, Matthieu also shared a discount code for PhotoActive listeners to get 15% off any CYME app: PHOTOACTIVE15.